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September 2024


By AP Biology
  • Warm-up: What are 3 properties that are shared by the macromolecules that we have examined so far?
  • Discuss Enzyme lab Parts B-D (lab groups); submit lab
  • Enzyme lab quiz
  • Enzyme FRQ practice
  • Plickers
  • Tutoring after school from 3:35-4:35


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • How to access the website from your mobile device
  • Complete Modeling assignment and submit (pair/share)
  • Correct SEP (7) page 104, SEP (8) page 105 and compare and contrast (13) page 109
  • Practice: Atomic diagrams
  • Complete Mass number notes
  • Notes: Atomic Mass
  • Review: Calculating Atomic Mass (page 107)


By AP Biology
  • Complete Part C of experiment
  • Complete Part D of experiment
  • Complete Analysis questions
  • Enzyme lab quiz on Monday; know: definitions from the lab, type of reaction, the balanced chemical equation for the reaction, the suffix for most enzymes
  • Lab due Tuesday; individual submission


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Warm-up: What are the properties of a subatomic particle? (charge, location, mass)
  • Correct CCCs on page 100 and page 101
  • Discuss “Infer” on page 102
  • Do SEP page 103
  • Notes: Atoms
  • Draw Atomic Diagrams
  • Do SEP (7) page 104, SEP (8) page 105
  • Read page 109; do compare and contrast (13) page 109
  • Read 110-115 for Friday


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Submit Density lab
  • Math Concepts review quiz
  • Correct CCC and SEP page 99
  • Warm-up: What elements do we find in humans?
  • Notes: Atoms and the Periodic Table
  • Read pages 100-102
  • Answer CCC on page 100 and page 101
  • Answer “Infer” on page 102
  • Read 103-108


By Chemistry In The Earth System
  • Questions for Density Lab? Due tomorrow
  • Math Concepts review quiz tomorrow
  • Warm-up: What are the subatomic particles and their properties?
  • Investigate phenomena: What causes the colors in a fireworks display? Answer questions on page 99 of your textbook
  • Visuals: Auroras, fireworks, candles