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- Correct CCC (1) & SEP (2) page 35; SEP (4) page 37
- Notes: Laws of Thermodynamics
- Modeling: Energy Transfer and Conservation w.s.; due in class
- Pair/share: discuss your model from your w.s. with your seat partner; what are the limitations?
- Do SEP (7) page 40; discuss
- Bring Chromebooks or computers next week on Monday for pHet activity
- Continue Chapter 13
- Create a historical timeline for the discovery of DNA (starting with T.H. Morgan and ending with Meselson and Stahl); due Tuesday January 28th
- Complete reading from yesterday (10 minutes)
- Authentic Reading assignment due
- Notes: Kinetic energy
- Read 35-38
- Do CCC (1) & SEP (2) page 35; SEP (4) page 37; due tomorrow
- Revisit Anchoring Phenomena
- Introduce Investigative Phenomena: page 34-35
- Revisit Anchoring Phenomena
- Introduce Investigative Phenomena: page 34-35
- Popcorn reading (lab groups) “Supercharged geothermal energy…”
- Do Authentic Reading h.o; due tomorrow
- Finish review of Final exam
- Semester 2 timeline
- Discuss upcoming labs
- Begin Chapter 13 summary
- Review Final exam multiple choice
- Second Semester content
- Review Lab Final
- Review Final exam FRQ
- Review Final exam multiple choice
- Second Semester content